William Gibson, if you are not aware, invented the term cyberspace, and frankly, much of the perceived culture that accompanies it. He foresaw much of what we have today, but he now feels that the future is in such flux that it cannot be predicted. He recently did an interview with silicon.com that is, to… Continue reading Tell me, Neuromancer, what does the future hold?
Author: Ian
Reaping What Was Sown
A few decades back, it was decided that public mental institutions needed to be phased out. Not to save taxpayer money, not to have the private sector do it, but to be compassionate to those with mental health issues. As Prison Fellowship President Mark Earley noted in his Breakpoint Commentary today, Bedlam: Prisons and the… Continue reading Reaping What Was Sown
The Porn Myth (on Challies Dot Com)
as posted (authored by) Challies Dot Com. I could add more, but why, when someone has said it so well. Despite the imagery of Naomi Wolf’s article, and despite Challies’ well-founded attack on porn in relation to sin, I realized, while reading her article, that I have been blessed by not growing like this generation.
Raid on Jefferson’s Office CONSTITUTIONAL
I’m trying to avoid blogging as it’s a great procrastination tool. However, the latest news on the District Courts ruling (here is the decision) is the raid on Rep. Jefferson’s office was unconstitutional. READ THE DECISION FIRST, before writing STUPID, MISLEADING, and flat out WRONG headlines! Even the dissenting judge ruled that the raid was… Continue reading Raid on Jefferson’s Office CONSTITUTIONAL
A Return to “Containment”
The recent agreement by the Bush Administration to supply updated military (even if outdated by our standards) to “our” “moderate” Arab “allies” really bothers me. Jim Lobe’s article at Asia Times Online, US arms for Arab authoritarians – again, touches on many of my concerns. My greatest concern that in an attempt to contain one… Continue reading A Return to “Containment”
In A Reporter’s Loss of Faith, I linked to an article by William Lobdell, who had experienced a loss of faith based on his reporting of the failures of the church (as a whole). In Sorrow But No Regrets, Christine Scheller writes of her bad (foul is more like it) experiences with the church. There… Continue reading Untitled
The U.S.: The SOFT Target
Before the Dems and far too many Republicans, decided that the war they supported is now unsupportable, I would not have considered the U.S. a “soft” target, even during the Clinton years. However, in comparing the U.S. to other potential targets, perhaps we are soft after all. The Belmont Club: Another Satan Emerges
There’s No Such Thing As a Free Lunch…
…as Wisconsin citizens may soon learn. Escape Wisconsin: Fraters Libertas How TO: Make Minnesota Grow Faster « SCSUScholars Cheese Headcases « OpinionJournal
Harry Potter and the Christian Muggles
Honestly, I’m kind of sick of people yammering about how awful Harry Potter is and how good The Lord of the Rings, and the Narnia series are. Tolkien (Lord of the Rings) had to be told (by C.S. Lewis, the author of the Narnia series, I believe) that the Lord of the Rings was a… Continue reading Harry Potter and the Christian Muggles
Why do I need to know who my mom is, anyways?
In Motherless in Maryland, James M. Thunder writes about a disturbing story where a child’s mother (plus, there are two potential mothers) will not be listed on her birth certificate, in fact, there will be no mother listed at all.