When Health Care Isn’t

On MSN Money, TheStreet had an article, “Major healthcare provider files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.” It’s an interesting tale. A health care system that is the safety net for underprivileged communities is declaring bankruptcy. Why? Because it wasn’t compensated sufficiently for all the COVID-19 costs. Another system whose focus is prisons and mental health facilities… Continue reading When Health Care Isn’t

Send and Receive

Image by Aukid via YayImages. Royalty Free and Extended License as of 3 July 2024.

June was LGBTQ+ Pride Month. This is and isn’t about that in particular, but about all the signals around it. Virtue Signaling In more “conservative” (but perhaps more accurate, reactionary) circles, virtue signaling is a pejoritive phrase regarding what people in such circles see as “liberal” or “progressive” iconography or wording that supports non-conservative/reactionary ideologies/practices.… Continue reading Send and Receive


By this point, almost any aware person will tie MAGA to Donald Trump. MAGA is the acronym for Make America Great Again. The problem with that slogan is who defines what makes America (in particular, the United States of America) great. At this point, is it anything? Two recent articles, The Hill‘s Do Americans hate… Continue reading A New MAGA

Progressive Suffering

I started reading James Farwell’s, This is the Night: Suffering, Salvation, and the Liturgies of the Holy Week, and I came across this quote: Some social theorists, historians of philosophy, and theologians argue that the narrative structure of the modern myth of “progress,”—the structure of the “idealist diamond” that reduces suffering to a concept—was bequeathed… Continue reading Progressive Suffering

Losing Faith In God?

I saw this billboard the other day. There was a phone number that went along with it. I’m sure they’ve received some calls about it, and I pray that they have been successful in helping people remain in the faith. However, that a Christian organization felt the need to put this up is disturbing, not… Continue reading Losing Faith In God?

Categorized as faith


I am generally pretty open about my struggles with depression. I’ve even discussed my suicidal thoughts. I have made plans, and never (obviously) fulfilled them. The other day, I watched a webinar on our identity in Jesus Christ. It was a good webinar, don’t get me wrong, but it managed to trigger something. During the… Continue reading Unneeded

Categorized as society

What Have We Lost?

Job lived 140 years after this, and saw his children and grandchildren to the fourth generation. Then Job died at an old age, having lived a full life. Job 42:16-17 (ISV) The global population continues to grow. The rate is slowing, and that’s probably a good thing. The earth is a finite resource and also our… Continue reading What Have We Lost?

Vain Hypocrisy

Part of me wanted to make this post at Devotion.al, but I realized this might be less devotional than Devotion.al deserves (a problem when you write at both, and the lines are often gray). Christians have long been trained to abhor the word hypocrite. Jesus has a thing or 10 about hypocrites. The problem is… Continue reading Vain Hypocrisy

Can I quit? I want to.

I’ve been a co-lead pastor for a church for less than a year. I’m tired. The first time I wanted to quit, my senior pastor said… If you can do anything else in your life, and believe that is indeed what God wants you to do, then do it. Ed Eby I might have gotten… Continue reading Can I quit? I want to.