I saw this billboard the other day. There was a phone number that went along with it. I’m sure they’ve received some calls about it, and I pray that they have been successful in helping people remain in the faith. However, that a Christian organization felt the need to put this up is disturbing, not… Continue reading Losing Faith In God?
Category: faith
Cost of Community
Put away from you all bitterness and wrath and anger and wrangling and slander, together with all malice, and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you. Ephesians 4:31-32 NRSV We often look to Paul’s letters for our theology. This particular verse is about our praxis. It… Continue reading Cost of Community
Is Love the Most USELESS Word in the US English Lexicon?
Seth Godin recently wrote: Caring is free In the short run, of course, not caring can save you some money. Don’t bother making the facilities quite so clean. Save time and hassle and let the display get a little messy. Don’t worry so much about one particular customer, because you’re busy and hiring more people… Continue reading Is Love the Most USELESS Word in the US English Lexicon?
#Purple for Royalty
Not #Red. Not #Blue. #Purple for royalty. I, like much of the country, am grieving. However, it is not about the election result that I am grieving, but people’s responses to it. I am particularly saddened by people of the church, and truly devastated by the people who provide spiritual leadership in the church…the pastors.… Continue reading #Purple for Royalty
Differing Views on Marriage Versus Importance
In the recent article Here Comes Wedding Season: How Consumers Will Pay for Others’ Big Day in 2016, the amount of money spent by people attending weddings as guests or wedding party members was predicted to increase significantly. The prevalent Christian meme is that secular society is demeaning or devaluing the institution of marriage, yet by… Continue reading Differing Views on Marriage Versus Importance
In Podcast 83, Carey Nieuwhoff interviewed Ravi Zacharias, who drew a parallel between pornography and suicide. Zacharias spoke of his recent experience counseling college students during the Passion Conference (starting at 22:55 and paraphrased), where the majority came two talk about two topics: pornography and suicide. He called pornography the “denuding of the other person”… Continue reading Devalued
Definitions Impact Understanding
The horrible killing of Nazimuddin Samad is a crime in and of itself. As I read the reporting of it, however, I saw that there were definitely different pictures of the incident, of Nazimuddin Samad himself, and the world. Aljazeera described his comments as pro-atheist, while also calling him a secularist. Aljazeera quoted Imran Sarker… Continue reading Definitions Impact Understanding
Meet God to Worship
“If we are to lead worship, we must first meet with God.” -Carla Sundberg
Jesus Prayed
“Jesus could have done all he did without prayer. Yet, he chose to still pray.” -Carla Sundberg
How to talk about THAT topic. A guide for parents.
Kate Ott (not me) is taking on a huge task that I don’t envy. Talking to parents about how to talk about sex. This is not your health class sex education. It is, in my opinion, the more important piece of that that many people on one side of the social equation believe that we… Continue reading How to talk about THAT topic. A guide for parents.