Public Privacy

It’s not that I have something to hide; I just have nothing I want you to see. The Girl (played by Amanda Seyfried) in the movie Anon Privacy is a nebulous topic. The so-called Constitutional “privacy” of the United States is far more fluid than most people will acknowledge. In fact, based upon recent cultural… Continue reading Public Privacy

Rediscovering Sabbath Rest

In Rediscovering Sabbath Rest, Mark Early brings further attention to the “Secular Sabbath” that seems to be gaining steam in the secular world. As I mentioned in What? Me, Unplug?, I know I should try this myself. I’m always plugged in, even on Sunday. I remember years ago hearing about how even non-devout Christian families… Continue reading Rediscovering Sabbath Rest

What? Me, Unplug?

A great blog post by brought these three articles to my attention: Less Television and Computer Gaming May Keep Children Slimmer. Granted, this is kind of a “duh,” however, the reason may not be what you think. An Email Free Day I Need a Virtual Break, No, Really. What I find interesting in the last… Continue reading What? Me, Unplug? – Telephones and What is Good for Us

In Telephones and What is Good for Us, Randy Cooper writes about the Amish. My big takeaway was this: It took all summer for them to decide whether they would have phones. They finally decided against it. And they had two reasons. First, they knew that if they began to use telephones, they would carry… Continue reading – Telephones and What is Good for Us

Turn Off the Lights for Your Health

Back in August, I wrote about light pollution. I can even still remember the night sky that caused me to write it. Yesterday, a blog post appeared on the Clampham Institute website discussing the detrimental links between artificial light and cancer (hattip to: The Point). Apparently, in the same article in the New Yorker that… Continue reading Turn Off the Lights for Your Health

The Information Superhighway? Bah, Humbug!

It is SO much MORE! Michael Wesch of Kansas State University created a little video, Information R/evolution, that is spreading through out the web. The phrase “information superhighway” should be tossed out, for as Mr. Wesch points out, the information is not, and must not be, so constrained. hattip to: Duncan Riley @ TechCrunch/span> Plus,… Continue reading The Information Superhighway? Bah, Humbug!

Invading Corporate America

Brian E. Volck, in his post Are You Being Served? (no longer available), states: As John Sayles’ role in the movie Matewan suggests, big businesses have used clergy as cheerleaders before, but this news item from The Economist hints at something worse. The article: Praying for Gain: A fad for piety infiltrates the realm of… Continue reading Invading Corporate America