Even Religious People Have Different Views?

Shocking! (sarcasm) Surveys: U.S. Religious Activists Have ‘Widely Divergent’ Views As much as I like some of the content on ChristianPost.com, today we have another article (see this post for another) which is too vague to be useful, other than to draw gross conclusions that can only be divisive, rather than edifying. I really hate… Continue reading Even Religious People Have Different Views?

Thinking/Posing/Contemplating, Not Just Reacting

In this election cycle, talk about an emerging evangelical political center abounds. Much of the discussion is about how conservative and liberal Christians can work together to realize Christ-commanded essentials and their corollaries: care for the poor, for example, and its extensions regarding access, justice, and health care. THEOOZE – Articles: Viewing Article

Me and Ron Paul

This Ron Paul closing speech was recently posted at Right Mind (Religious Right Boos Ron Paul). I tried to post my entire response to Ron Paul’s speech there, but I guess I wrote too much. Anyways, here is my opinion on the matter. While I agree with Ron Paul’s sentiments regarding limited government, I would… Continue reading Me and Ron Paul

A Return to “Containment”

The recent agreement by the Bush Administration to supply updated military (even if outdated by our standards) to “our” “moderate” Arab “allies” really bothers me. Jim Lobe’s article at Asia Times Online, US arms for Arab authoritarians – again, touches on many of my concerns. My greatest concern that in an attempt to contain one… Continue reading A Return to “Containment”

The U.S.: The SOFT Target

Before the Dems and far too many Republicans, decided that the war they supported is now unsupportable, I would not have considered the U.S. a “soft” target, even during the Clinton years.  However, in comparing the U.S. to other potential targets, perhaps we are soft after all. The Belmont Club: Another Satan Emerges

Here I Stand, Hat In Hand…Convicted

I have written a lot about the Episcopal Church of the USA and, by proxy, other denominations that have lost their way, from my perspective. I have written about the various issues that have caused (again, from my perspective) their demise as a power of faith in the world and the United States. I realize,… Continue reading Here I Stand, Hat In Hand…Convicted

A Memorial Day Note

My wife and I took our kids to one of the local Memorial Day services. Granted, I don’t know who all the people attend were, or how many of their loved ones had died, but it was nice to see others from all walks and places in life there. One of the things that has… Continue reading A Memorial Day Note

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