William Gibson, if you are not aware, invented the term cyberspace, and frankly, much of the perceived culture that accompanies it. He foresaw much of what we have today, but he now feels that the future is in such flux that it cannot be predicted. He recently did an interview with silicon.com that is, to… Continue reading Tell me, Neuromancer, what does the future hold?
Category: redirect
The Porn Myth (on Challies Dot Com)
as posted (authored by) Challies Dot Com. I could add more, but why, when someone has said it so well. Despite the imagery of Naomi Wolf’s article, and despite Challies’ well-founded attack on porn in relation to sin, I realized, while reading her article, that I have been blessed by not growing like this generation.
An Old Soldier’s Advice
It is distressing for me to realize that Christ died for the terrorists, too. As violent and anti-Christian as they are, Jesus died for even them. So how do we balance that awareness with the job of killing them? I don’t have a well-developed answer for that one. I never got to the point that… Continue reading An Old Soldier’s Advice
Why I am not a good ethicist
Author: Fr. Jonathan Tobias It would say, too, that the Islamization of Europe calls not for a Crusade, but for repentance … and this for the simple reason that any prophet, like Amos, would have no trouble recognizing the new Islamic Jihad for what it really is: another incarnation of the Assyrians, a harbinger and… Continue reading Why I am not a good ethicist
American Salvation: The place of Christianity in public life
Author: Albert J. Raboteau Source: Boston Review