Some day, the lawmakers may figure out an efficient way to fix the A.M.T. permanently and make up for the billions in revenue it brings in. That will not happen this year, but Wednesday afternoon’s vote was still good news for millions. The New York Times: House Votes to Spare Millions From Tax How about… Continue reading Thanks for Not Taking More of MY Money!
Author: Ian
Turn Off the Lights for Your Health
Back in August, I wrote about light pollution. I can even still remember the night sky that caused me to write it. Yesterday, a blog post appeared on the Clampham Institute website discussing the detrimental links between artificial light and cancer (hattip to: The Point). Apparently, in the same article in the New Yorker that… Continue reading Turn Off the Lights for Your Health
Shame Should Have Been Outweighed By Love
I may be a right-wing fanatic Christian to some. I may be a clueless emotional liberal Christian to others. The truth is that Jesus Christ loves us, not because of who we are, or what we’ve done, but because of who He is (paraphrased, “I Surrender All”, Newsboys). With the “traditional” family as the framework,… Continue reading Shame Should Have Been Outweighed By Love
Calculate Your Fair Tax
Americans for Fair Taxation has released a calculator that will help you determine how much your purchasing power will change (usually improving) were the Fair Tax implemented.
Even Dumb (or Bad) Movies Can Make You Think
In his review of I Am Legend, Todd Hertz says: It’s an interesting direction for a movie about the impact of scientific advancement. So what is it saying about science and God? That scientific advances foolishly allow man to play God? Or that science is comparable to that fast car capable of good or evil,… Continue reading Even Dumb (or Bad) Movies Can Make You Think
All Of The Holidays With None Of The Religious Stuff
I’m all for the freedom of religion (or free not to believe). In fact, I think the right thing to do would be for governments (you know, where it says in the U.S. Constitution freedom from religion) to provide a number of floating holidays, thus allowing Muslims or Jews, or whatever other religion to take… Continue reading All Of The Holidays With None Of The Religious Stuff
Men and Marriage
Insurance companies are pushing hard for for peopl to take care of themselves with various wellness initiatives. For men, on of the biggest is marriage: Marriage Could Save Your Life hattip to:The Point Marriage is also good for the environment However, there are a few downsides. Mercifully, God has granted me a wonderful marriage to… Continue reading Men and Marriage
They Just WISH The Church Was Dead
There is a lot of discussion floating around that the “traditional” church is dead, and that it will be replaced by the (not yet completely uniformly defined) “emerging” church. The New Attitude blog has something to say regarding that, and it is well worthwhile to read.
Pray, Tell! What Does The Future Hold?
There have been articles, commentaries, blogs (of which I’m adding to, of course), podcasts, and what have you, about the imminent demise of the church. Sorry, but it has been all said before.
War is not pretty and neat, nor is life
Wired has an article that I hope a lot of people pay attention to for many reasons. As a telecommuter, I understand the disassociation that can occur between telecommuter and company, often mere in perception, not reality. Back when the first Bush was president he started the “downsizing” of “soft”-intelligence work. In other words, removing… Continue reading War is not pretty and neat, nor is life