Confusing Sex with Love

Either the ever-hated Fox News staff has joined the benighted world, or someone was speaking tongue-in-cheek. I suspect, however, the former. At the end of his online article regarding Iran’s proposed fixed-length marital contracts, John Moody writes: …love will be served, even if only temporarily. There is no doubt that this refers to sex, not… Continue reading Confusing Sex with Love

Moving Forward In Context

There has been a buzz lately (maybe only from my limited perspective), about how many people are going to the older Christian traditions, leaving the “in style”, “contemporary”, worship modes. I’ve gotten to the point that the “modern” forms of worship no longer bother me as they used, at least in the same way. On… Continue reading Moving Forward In Context

The Aid That Kills

There are a couple of interesting pieces on Der Spiegle’s website about aid to Africa, and how it is not helping at all. In fact, the two pieces discuss how blind compassion is actually hurting, not helping, Africa. Even I, who some would (wrongly) call a right-wing wacko, took pause at what these articles suggest.… Continue reading The Aid That Kills

A Memorial Day Note

My wife and I took our kids to one of the local Memorial Day services. Granted, I don’t know who all the people attend were, or how many of their loved ones had died, but it was nice to see others from all walks and places in life there. One of the things that has… Continue reading A Memorial Day Note

Categorized as war

Education Privitization, Whether You Like It Or Not

The U.K. Telegraph has an interesting article about Indian Companies (as in India) teaching students in the U.K. and U.S.A. via the internet. hat tip to: Basically, private tutoring at low cost. Before someone throws a fit about taking advantage of the “poor” ignorant Indians, the story states that most of these poor, ignorant… Continue reading Education Privitization, Whether You Like It Or Not

Categorized as education

Coming Out Christian

I just couldn’t pass up that title. The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Denver, Charles J. Chaput, delivered an address to the Path to Peace Foundation seminar “Catholic Students and the Common Good: Building a Better World” in New York today.  It has to be read in its entirety, but here are some highlights: …much of… Continue reading Coming Out Christian