Art of the Outcast

All too often we look at those around us who are in different circles and unconsciously dismiss them as not adding to our live. An art exhibit in London exemplifies this. (archived copy) We all have our expectations of a “productive” member of society. The problem is that art like this is only displayed under… Continue reading Art of the Outcast

On the MSM

Despite what you might think from reading my blog, I don’t want the mainstream media to fade away. I think the MSM thinks of itself as the “fourth branch of government,” thus, like many bureaucracies, is unable to change quickly. That is a major problem in the internet age, where 1 year is a very… Continue reading On the MSM

It’s for the children

This could be funny…well, it is…sort of…in a very sick and twisted sort of way—in a big government, nanny-state sort of way.

Rightly Green

The left would have us believe that to be an environmentalist you have to believe in catastrophic threats, dramatic increases in government power and economically draconian solutions. Such a big-government bureaucracy, trial-lawyer-litigation and excessive-regulation “environmentalism” does a poor job of protecting the environment while it erodes individual freedom, destroys jobs and weakens our country. The… Continue reading Rightly Green

Who are you, really?

This is not a rhetorical or philosophical question, but an internet question. One of the greatest things about the internet is its basic anonymity. The greatest weakness of the internet is its basic anonymity. Don’t misunderstand me, the internet is not even closely anonymous as many perceive it to be. I recently received an email… Continue reading Who are you, really?

The Information Superhighway? Bah, Humbug!

It is SO much MORE! Michael Wesch of Kansas State University created a little video, Information R/evolution, that is spreading through out the web. The phrase “information superhighway” should be tossed out, for as Mr. Wesch points out, the information is not, and must not be, so constrained. hattip to: Duncan Riley @ TechCrunch/span> Plus,… Continue reading The Information Superhighway? Bah, Humbug!

Freedom to Choose…Your Clothes

While I have issues with people’s decisions on what clothes they wear, I have no intention of beating them or killing them. In Iraq, currently, there people being beaten and killed because of the clothes they wear (or don’t wear), and even hairstyles. Now I believe that a community should decide what “decency” is (yes,… Continue reading Freedom to Choose…Your Clothes