What Is Speaking The Truth In Love?

Keith Giles, over at subversive1, seems to have had an interesting experience regarding a person shutting down the conversation (or the comments) that challenged this individual’s theology/teaching. Keith states that he rarely, if ever, does this kind of public revealing (and I believe him. I just wanted to put that out there), however, he felt… Continue reading What Is Speaking The Truth In Love?

What Happens When The Emerging Church Holds Up A Mirror To The Established Church

Brian Mclaren recently addressed the 2008 Lambeth Conference (see Wikipedia), and while he does not (despite media opinion to the contrary) represent the entirety (one could question even a significant minority) of the MEECM, it is often worthwhile to hear what he has to say. In the article above, there are a couple of quotes… Continue reading What Happens When The Emerging Church Holds Up A Mirror To The Established Church

The Form of the Future

When I’m operating under restrictions, I definitely feel constrained by them, but without those restraints, it doesn’t seem as if I my actions are actually accomplishing anything. …the Net truly is vast and infinite. Who knows, maybe a new society we’ve never even dreamed of is already being born I greatly enjoy Japanese anime. There… Continue reading The Form of the Future

Dry Facts Do Not Explain Everything

In ‘Living Together’ Before Marriage a Statistical Risk, it is rightfully argued that doing so is significantly more likely to not lead to a strong and lasting marriage. While that is statistically correct (and I am opening my heart and life to the web here, not the most comfortable thing), it isn’t 100% correct. My… Continue reading Dry Facts Do Not Explain Everything

“Missional” refers to purposeful

In a little ad for a conference of Lifeway Ministries, I pulled out a little tidbit that struck me, especially within the context of the Emerging/Emergent/Missional Church conversations that are being had within the Christian community. “Missional” refers to purposeful. I have thought that much of the “missional” discussion seemed off-kilter somehow, but I couldn’t… Continue reading “Missional” refers to purposeful

What? Me, Unplug?

A great blog post by brought these three articles to my attention: Less Television and Computer Gaming May Keep Children Slimmer. Granted, this is kind of a “duh,” however, the reason may not be what you think. An Email Free Day I Need a Virtual Break, No, Really. What I find interesting in the last… Continue reading What? Me, Unplug?