All Mixed: Culture and Religion

Critics have variously argued that Hebrew language charter schools impermissibly erode church-state boundaries, potentially balkanize Jews from the rest of society, and create a false dichotomy between Jewish religion and culture.   “The idea here is to strengthen Jewish identity, but you can’t do it in an open way because you run afoul of the law,”… Continue reading All Mixed: Culture and Religion

The Ten Commandments Re-Framed

Despite that, it did cause me to think about the 10 Commandments, and how we view them, or, more particularly, how we don’t view them in their entirety.

I’ve been thinking about writing this for a while, but, frankly, it is a rather large undertaking for such a theologically-challenged person as myself, and I don’t want to speak out of turn. However, in the midst of my MIT studies, I read a paraphrase of John Wesley’s “Means of Grace”. As John Wesley is, in most regards, the theological father of the Church of the Nazarene, such statements by him must be taken seriously by Nazarenes. One of John Wesley’s “general” Means of Grace is: keeping the commandments.

We Lost The Message Somewhere

I was not going to write of politics in my blog, but after reading of Paul’s optimism in Philippians, I feel the need to.

Much of Obama’s appeal, besides the usual political can’t-nail-them-to-the-wall or hold-them-to-their-promises (regardless of political party), is that he has packaged the concept of hope well. Obama’s success should be a wake up to the church, not because of his politics, but because he’s repackage the quintessential Christian message―hope.

Should The Focus Be Evangelism?

More to the point, theologically, the Christian assembly is a fellowship of the redeemed. It is a manifestation, as well as an anticipation or foretaste, of the great assembly that Christ is building—the assembly of the firstborn in heaven that will be revealed on the last Day (Heb 12:22-24). The purpose of our earthly assemblies,… Continue reading Should The Focus Be Evangelism?

Hope for Doubters

READ: Matthew 28:16-17 When they saw him, they worshiped him—but some of them doubted! Matthew 28:17 (NLT) When the eleven disciples of Jesus met Jesus in Galilee, “they worshiped him—but some of them doubted!” What a stunning statement! For one thing, given that these very disciples became the foundational leaders of the early church, you… Continue reading Hope for Doubters

Categorized as faith, love

Thinking/Posing/Contemplating, Not Just Reacting

In this election cycle, talk about an emerging evangelical political center abounds. Much of the discussion is about how conservative and liberal Christians can work together to realize Christ-commanded essentials and their corollaries: care for the poor, for example, and its extensions regarding access, justice, and health care. THEOOZE – Articles: Viewing Article

My, How They Love One Another

Are we Kicking Grandma to the Curb? For a number of reasons, I have a real problem with what this post (and the quoted article/news story) say.  Not because it isn’t true, but because it is.  I don’t think that nursing homes are an ideal situation, that’s for sure, but am I capable of taking… Continue reading My, How They Love One Another