Here I Stand, Hat In Hand…Convicted

I have written a lot about the Episcopal Church of the USA and, by proxy, other denominations that have lost their way, from my perspective. I have written about the various issues that have caused (again, from my perspective) their demise as a power of faith in the world and the United States. I realize,… Continue reading Here I Stand, Hat In Hand…Convicted

The Aid That Kills

There are a couple of interesting pieces on Der Spiegle’s website about aid to Africa, and how it is not helping at all. In fact, the two pieces discuss how blind compassion is actually hurting, not helping, Africa. Even I, who some would (wrongly) call a right-wing wacko, took pause at what these articles suggest.… Continue reading The Aid That Kills

While Impactful, Still Missing The Mark

Cleaning Up La Oroya, an article online at Christianity Today, reports on the team activities of a La Oroya, Peru, based ministry, and an Ohio based ministry, and their pursuit of cleaning up the contamination originating from a local smelter. Members of the ministries mention how they put pressure on the government of Peru, which… Continue reading While Impactful, Still Missing The Mark

A Familial Truth About Government

I am a professor of human biology at Baruch College, City University of New York. I sometimes get involved in discussions with ‘gay’ students on issues of biology and homosexuality, but such discussions have always been respectful and educational. For example, a young ‘gay’ man told me he was opposed to all the hatred directed… Continue reading A Familial Truth About Government

Ignore, him, and he will fade away. Maybe not.

Imus has always been a jerk.  The last few days haven’t changed my opinion.  However, heaping all the publicity on him is doing him GOOD! Father Jonathan, who blogs at, has an excellent post discussing the darkest lining (I am talking neither race nor Imus) of this debacle.  This whole situation just goes to… Continue reading Ignore, him, and he will fade away. Maybe not.

Raising Awareness, One Million People At A Time is a project that seeks to raise awareness one global issue at a time. Their mission statement says: is a not for profit project started in march 2007 that has the mission to raise awareness by featuring an article on an important topic that needs attention. doesn’t ask for donations, but asks… Continue reading Raising Awareness, One Million People At A Time