That Was Totally Wicked!

An unabashed stealing of a line from my eldest son’s favorite movie (The Incredibles) is the only thing I can say to describe the fastest production model car in the world.

Me and Ron Paul

This Ron Paul closing speech was recently posted at Right Mind (Religious Right Boos Ron Paul). I tried to post my entire response to Ron Paul’s speech there, but I guess I wrote too much. Anyways, here is my opinion on the matter. While I agree with Ron Paul’s sentiments regarding limited government, I would… Continue reading Me and Ron Paul

Only at the Feet of Jesus Do We Learn

There is currently an emphasis in the Church of the Nazarene (CotN) to make disciples of Christ. The CotN’s new mission statement is, “To make Christlike disciples in the nations.” Bishop Nkulu Ntanda Ntambo of the Methodist Church recently delivered a sermon to the Methodist Assembly, and he speaks to the same truth: Money is… Continue reading Only at the Feet of Jesus Do We Learn

Are You Powerless?

When people are powerless, they are easily manipulated.-Rashid Rehman, human rights lawyerfrom the article “Pakistan”, National Geographic, September 2007 I hear about the powerlessness of certain people, and every time, it irritates me. I know that sounds strange, but the truth is, we are only as powerless as we allow ourselves to be. This too… Continue reading Are You Powerless?

How Not to Make a Cleaner Environment

This was slashdotted today, and I can see why: Dirty Secret—Green Cars Automakers Won’t Sell You (Archived Copy) Not only can’t you buy one, but the government says it’s currently illegal for automakers to sell these green cars outside of the special states. Under terms of the Clean Air Act—in the kind of delicious irony… Continue reading How Not to Make a Cleaner Environment

A Moment of Silence for A Moment of Silence

Governor Rod Blagojevich of Illinois vetoed a ‘moment of silence’ bill for students (Archived Copy). Now, oddly enough, I find that it doesn’t bother me that much. Why? It is not the “separation of church and state” that has been misinterpreted for so long. Partly, it is the coercive nature of it. While I believe… Continue reading A Moment of Silence for A Moment of Silence

A Good Reason for a Priest/Pastor Not to Marry

From an AP Article (archived copy): Clergymen struggling to comfort the afflicted in New Orleans are finding they, too, need someone to listen to their troubles. Almost every local Episcopal minister is in counseling, including Bishop Charles Jenkins himself, who has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. …Roman Catholic priests have not reported any unusual… Continue reading A Good Reason for a Priest/Pastor Not to Marry