In his article, What Makes a Church Missional?, J. Todd Billings does a decent (although, by necessity, not very in depth) analysis of the concept of the “Missional Church.” It is fairly balanced, I think. The biggest thing is not that the concept of Missional Church (as currently described is a few decades old) is… Continue reading Missional Church Analysis
Author: Ian
Economist ≠ Socialogist
In his post, Why data matters, on the Official Google Blog, Hal Varian writes about the “wisdom of the crowds.” Mr. Varian needs to check the Google Zeitgeist. The wisdom of the crowds? Sounds like the wisdom of the mob (not the Mob).
What? Me, Unplug?
A great blog post by brought these three articles to my attention: Less Television and Computer Gaming May Keep Children Slimmer. Granted, this is kind of a “duh,” however, the reason may not be what you think. An Email Free Day I Need a Virtual Break, No, Really. What I find interesting in the last… Continue reading What? Me, Unplug?
What About Pain?
In Calling on the Saints, Heather Gemmen Wilson talks about faith, family (both personal and church), love and forgiveness, and all in the context of the aftermath of being raped. I hope every church, including my own (including me, for that matter), can respond in such love to another’s hurt. I would also hope that… Continue reading What About Pain? – Telephones and What is Good for Us
In Telephones and What is Good for Us, Randy Cooper writes about the Amish. My big takeaway was this: It took all summer for them to decide whether they would have phones. They finally decided against it. And they had two reasons. First, they knew that if they began to use telephones, they would carry… Continue reading – Telephones and What is Good for Us
Selfishness and Going It Alone
And Pharisees came up and in order to test him asked, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?” He answered them, “What did Moses command you?” They said, “Moses allowed a man to write a certificate of divorce and to send her away.” And Jesus said to them, “Because of your hardness… Continue reading Selfishness and Going It Alone
It’s Not Just The Americans, Then?
The Archbishop of Canterbury, as I’m sure many are aware, has declared that Sharia law should be officially endorsed in England. Unofficially it is endorsed, but by being officially endorsed there is a huge potential for disaster. However, regardless of the lawful/lawlessness that would result, the fact that the man who is, for all intensive… Continue reading It’s Not Just The Americans, Then?
A Take on Generosity
A politician, like you and me, can be generous only with his own money. A politician spending other people’s money is, at best, implementing sound policies – and, more realistically, much closer to a burglar who “generously” uses part of his booty to buy rounds of drinks for his buddies. Cafe Hayek: Who’s Generous? Don… Continue reading A Take on Generosity
Atheism and Violence
Father Edward T. Oakes has written an awesome piece on the First Things blog, Atheism and Violence. It is a long hard read, but very worthwhile. This addresses a number of posts I’ve made, most recently in The Chickens are Coming Home to Roost, and should, I think address Allen’s point in his comment on… Continue reading Atheism and Violence
What DO We Believe?
…most Christians do not understand what they believe, why they believe it, and why it matters. How can a Christianity that is not understood be practiced? Unity in Diversity Chuck Colson, no matter how you may feel about him and his past, has made an excellent point here. This goes directly toward the heart of… Continue reading What DO We Believe?