Rightly Green

The left would have us believe that to be an environmentalist you have to believe in catastrophic threats, dramatic increases in government power and economically draconian solutions. Such a big-government bureaucracy, trial-lawyer-litigation and excessive-regulation “environmentalism” does a poor job of protecting the environment while it erodes individual freedom, destroys jobs and weakens our country. The… Continue reading Rightly Green

How Not to Make a Cleaner Environment

This was slashdotted today, and I can see why: Dirty Secret—Green Cars Automakers Won’t Sell You (Archived Copy) Not only can’t you buy one, but the government says it’s currently illegal for automakers to sell these green cars outside of the special states. Under terms of the Clean Air Act—in the kind of delicious irony… Continue reading How Not to Make a Cleaner Environment

Oil going bye-bye?

Once thing that I didn’t mention in my post, Anthropogenic Climate Change Theory Versus Logic, is the over-the-top screaming that is going on in regards to climate change and alternative energy sources. This makes reasonable discussion almost impossible. In the attempt to (too) quickly get off of petroleum based fuels, ethanol has been getting a… Continue reading Oil going bye-bye?

Anthropogenic Climate Change Theory Versus Logic

Dr. S. Fred Singer (Professor Emeritus, Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia) recently outlined the logical flaws being espoused by those who speak of global warming (which is in error, as the recent snowfall in South Africa shows, and thus should be called, “global climate change”) as being caused by man (i.e., anthropogenic). Part of the… Continue reading Anthropogenic Climate Change Theory Versus Logic

While Impactful, Still Missing The Mark

Cleaning Up La Oroya, an article online at Christianity Today, reports on the team activities of a La Oroya, Peru, based ministry, and an Ohio based ministry, and their pursuit of cleaning up the contamination originating from a local smelter. Members of the ministries mention how they put pressure on the government of Peru, which… Continue reading While Impactful, Still Missing The Mark

Technology, Humanity, Control (Maybe the Luddites are right)

A survey sponsored by MTV provides some very interesting tidbits regarding the endangered psyche of a technology-savy generation. Even though I found the comment on religion interesting, it just seemed to be tossed in there, and didn’t add to the main thrust of the story. On top of that, an article in Christianity Today discusses… Continue reading Technology, Humanity, Control (Maybe the Luddites are right)