I’m trying to read outside my silo, which looks at me and my belief structures a lot. I finally downloaded the substack app the other day, and Robert Reich was proposed to follow. So, I read his article The Dangerous Anti-Democracy Coalition. Reich brings up a lot of concerning issues. Thiel, Musk, and so on… Continue reading Against Institutions
Category: economics
Did You Know (Version 4.0)
This was released in Fall 2009, and if feels out of date already! Since I posted Version 3.0 in December 2008, I figured that getting this out there wouldn’t be a bad idea.
In Defense of Deficits…Or Not
James K. Galbraith wrote, In Defense of Deficits, that there is too much overreaction to the deficit the U.S. Government is running up. To his defense, Galbraith makes some very good points, some I wonder if even foreigners have thought of (or maybe they have). In many regards, I agree with Galbraith that the hyper-concern… Continue reading In Defense of Deficits…Or Not
Even Religious People Have Different Views?
Shocking! (sarcasm) Surveys: U.S. Religious Activists Have ‘Widely Divergent’ Views As much as I like some of the content on ChristianPost.com, today we have another article (see this post for another) which is too vague to be useful, other than to draw gross conclusions that can only be divisive, rather than edifying. I really hate… Continue reading Even Religious People Have Different Views?
Did You Know? (Version 3.0)
hattip: Douglas Karr
A Quip On A Manufactured Collapse
Michael Novak’s theory regarding Western democratic capitalism can be summerized as a three-legged stool with the legs being, political freedom, economic freedom, and moral restraint. We are witnessing the after effects of the complete removal of moral restraint. Political and economic freedoms have been curtailed for the last 20 years or so, but they are… Continue reading A Quip On A Manufactured Collapse
My, How They Love One Another
Are we Kicking Grandma to the Curb? For a number of reasons, I have a real problem with what this post (and the quoted article/news story) say. Not because it isn’t true, but because it is. I don’t think that nursing homes are an ideal situation, that’s for sure, but am I capable of taking… Continue reading My, How They Love One Another
Lean Solves Everything
Okay, not really, but it sure applies to things I haven’t thought of. The company I work for is an enthusiastic applier of lean thinking methodology, and so I’ve tried to keep an eye on the thought process, and the ideas of those who have implemented it, or help others implement it. Kevin Meyer at… Continue reading Lean Solves Everything
A Take on Generosity
A politician, like you and me, can be generous only with his own money. A politician spending other people’s money is, at best, implementing sound policies – and, more realistically, much closer to a burglar who “generously” uses part of his booty to buy rounds of drinks for his buddies. Cafe Hayek: Who’s Generous? Don… Continue reading A Take on Generosity
Thanks for Not Taking More of MY Money!
Some day, the lawmakers may figure out an efficient way to fix the A.M.T. permanently and make up for the billions in revenue it brings in. That will not happen this year, but Wednesday afternoon’s vote was still good news for millions. The New York Times: House Votes to Spare Millions From Tax How about… Continue reading Thanks for Not Taking More of MY Money!