Lean Solves Everything

Okay, not really, but it sure applies to things I haven’t thought of. The company I work for is an enthusiastic applier of lean thinking methodology, and so I’ve tried to keep an eye on the thought process, and the ideas of those who have implemented it, or help others implement it. Kevin Meyer at… Continue reading Lean Solves Everything

Not Enough Foolishness

Sermon for 2 April 2008. This is not the first “sermon” I have delivered, but it is the only one that I have video and audio of. If you wish to torture yourself, here are the links: Not Enough Foolishness (Audio Only: MP3) Video Get the Flash Player to see this player.

Why Fix It When You Can Get a New One?

New Churches Needed to Combat ‘Evangelistic Deficit’ in U.S. displays the epitome of the American consumer culture. Why fix, help, change, or repair something if it’s easier (and/or cheaper) to get a new one?

Dry Facts Do Not Explain Everything

In ‘Living Together’ Before Marriage a Statistical Risk, it is rightfully argued that doing so is significantly more likely to not lead to a strong and lasting marriage. While that is statistically correct (and I am opening my heart and life to the web here, not the most comfortable thing), it isn’t 100% correct. My… Continue reading Dry Facts Do Not Explain Everything

“Missional” refers to purposeful

In a little ad for a conference of Lifeway Ministries, I pulled out a little tidbit that struck me, especially within the context of the Emerging/Emergent/Missional Church conversations that are being had within the Christian community. “Missional” refers to purposeful. I have thought that much of the “missional” discussion seemed off-kilter somehow, but I couldn’t… Continue reading “Missional” refers to purposeful

Bearing the Silence of God

In Bearing the Silence of God, Ziya Meral talks about the spiritual state of believers in the midst of persecution. Specifically, he speaks in regards to persecution by Muslims, but this goes on around the world, even in “Christian” nations. What amazes me is how similar his feelings seem to be to Mother Teresa’s.

Rediscovering Sabbath Rest

In Rediscovering Sabbath Rest, Mark Early brings further attention to the “Secular Sabbath” that seems to be gaining steam in the secular world. As I mentioned in What? Me, Unplug?, I know I should try this myself. I’m always plugged in, even on Sunday. I remember years ago hearing about how even non-devout Christian families… Continue reading Rediscovering Sabbath Rest


Yes, it is not very Christian to want something, but COME ON…5 horsepower to go 60mph! hattip: Flixxy