More to the point, theologically, the Christian assembly is a fellowship of the redeemed. It is a manifestation, as well as an anticipation or foretaste, of the great assembly that Christ is building—the assembly of the firstborn in heaven that will be revealed on the last Day (Heb 12:22-24). The purpose of our earthly assemblies,… Continue reading Should The Focus Be Evangelism?
Author: Ian
Hope for Doubters
READ: Matthew 28:16-17 When they saw him, they worshiped him—but some of them doubted! Matthew 28:17 (NLT) When the eleven disciples of Jesus met Jesus in Galilee, “they worshiped him—but some of them doubted!†What a stunning statement! For one thing, given that these very disciples became the foundational leaders of the early church, you… Continue reading Hope for Doubters
Thinking/Posing/Contemplating, Not Just Reacting
In this election cycle, talk about an emerging evangelical political center abounds. Much of the discussion is about how conservative and liberal Christians can work together to realize Christ-commanded essentials and their corollaries: care for the poor, for example, and its extensions regarding access, justice, and health care. THEOOZE – Articles: Viewing Article
The Just Plain Messiness of being a pastor–EXPOSED!
As a pastor I am blown away by Where’s Your Jesus Now? A lot of pastors are trained to do theology like scientists test theories…in a pristine, antiseptic, white lab-coat environment. We pastors want to be tidy, neat, clean and “biblically sound.” Don’t let messy people and chaotic life mess with our theology. Our theology… Continue reading The Just Plain Messiness of being a pastor–EXPOSED!
Ignoring or Avoiding The Discussion of Heresy, Doesn’t Make It Go Away.
I hadn’t meant to bring it up in a Facebook discussion, What is emerging?, but I did—heresy. I greatly fear for a people who won’t stand for what they say they believe (especially foundational things), as I equally fear for a people who automatically attack people with whom they disagree. The funny thing is that… Continue reading Ignoring or Avoiding The Discussion of Heresy, Doesn’t Make It Go Away.
Suicidal Christian—An Oxymoron?
If you read In The Darkness, A Light Shines, you might guess that the topic of suicide is a serious concern of mine. C. Michael Patton, on his blog Parchment & Pen, provides a response to a letter that discusses Those who commit suicide cannot be Christian . . . I think (but have no… Continue reading Suicidal Christian—An Oxymoron?
Everyone Is Full Of Surprises
You’d think that all of us would by now have learned that we rarely know the depths of a person. Well, I have been confronted with that yet again, as I learned that Vin Diesel is making a movie about Hannibal, not the cannibal one. Vin Diesal strikes one as just a nameless action hero… Continue reading Everyone Is Full Of Surprises
My, How They Love One Another
Are we Kicking Grandma to the Curb? For a number of reasons, I have a real problem with what this post (and the quoted article/news story) say. Not because it isn’t true, but because it is. I don’t think that nursing homes are an ideal situation, that’s for sure, but am I capable of taking… Continue reading My, How They Love One Another
By God’s Grace…I Will
Julian Freeman over at Christian Thought has a challenge for all Christians, take James 4:13-17 seriously. In 7 Reasons to Say ‘God Willing…’, Freeman speaks of how when we use this phrase, we should become more aware that it is by His grace and mercies that our plans succeed or fail. I will say that… Continue reading By God’s Grace…I Will
What Is Speaking The Truth In Love?
Keith Giles, over at subversive1, seems to have had an interesting experience regarding a person shutting down the conversation (or the comments) that challenged this individual’s theology/teaching. Keith states that he rarely, if ever, does this kind of public revealing (and I believe him. I just wanted to put that out there), however, he felt… Continue reading What Is Speaking The Truth In Love?