When Pope Benedict was still Cardinal Ratzinger, he was call “God’s Rottweiler” (and also, The Enforcer, Panzerkardinal , Cardinal No, and others). He has been tenacious in guarding the Roman Catholic Church, and trying to balance modern and traditional thought of theology. However, in this news story, and based on his words, those, such as… Continue reading The Gulf Narrows A Bit
Author: Ian
And The Answer Gets An Exclamation Point
When I wrote “An Answer, Somewhat…“, I was just reading the Bible, and it popped out at me. Now comes news that the Roman Catholic Church will likely be putting Limbo out of business. I guess that ends that.
What Is Forgiveness?
Brian Hollar asks this question, and he provides some very profound, yet simple answers. He has some especially deep words regarding blame and forgiveness. I wish I had the wisdom to add to this, but I don’t.
An Answer, Somewhat…
In fact, sin was in the world before the law, but sin is not charged to one’s account when there is no law. So then, as through one trespass there is condemnation for everyone, so also through one righteous act there is life-giving justification for everyone. For just as through one man’s disobedience the many… Continue reading An Answer, Somewhat…
While Impactful, Still Missing The Mark
Cleaning Up La Oroya, an article online at Christianity Today, reports on the team activities of a La Oroya, Peru, based ministry, and an Ohio based ministry, and their pursuit of cleaning up the contamination originating from a local smelter. Members of the ministries mention how they put pressure on the government of Peru, which… Continue reading While Impactful, Still Missing The Mark
All Hail the Ostriches in Washington, D.C.!
The Republicans won’t touch this because it would reveal the incompetence of the Bush administration in failing to neutralize the danger of Iraqi WMD. The Democrats won’t touch it because it would show President Bush was right to invade Iraq in the first place. It is an axis of embarrassment. On (what-are-no-longer) Iraq’s WMDs
A Familial Truth About Government
I am a professor of human biology at Baruch College, City University of New York. I sometimes get involved in discussions with ‘gay’ students on issues of biology and homosexuality, but such discussions have always been respectful and educational. For example, a young ‘gay’ man told me he was opposed to all the hatred directed… Continue reading A Familial Truth About Government
Ignore, him, and he will fade away. Maybe not.
Imus has always been a jerk. The last few days haven’t changed my opinion. However, heaping all the publicity on him is doing him GOOD! Father Jonathan, who blogs at FoxNews.com, has an excellent post discussing the darkest lining (I am talking neither race nor Imus) of this debacle. This whole situation just goes to… Continue reading Ignore, him, and he will fade away. Maybe not.
Out of Balance
Speaker Pelosi’s visit to Syria is not a serious blow to the president. Well, perhaps it is. He has taken “turn the other cheek” to its suicidal oversimplified interpretation logical conclusion. However, that aspect of it is not the purpose of this post. When a land is in rebellion, it has many rulers, but with… Continue reading Out of Balance
Oops! I think they missed that part
“[T]here is not a syllable in the plan under consideration which directly empowers the national courts to construe the laws according to the spirit of the Constitution.” — Alexander Hamilton (Federalist No. 81, 1788)