I’ve been reading recently about the apparent nature of society changing from a bell-curve model (that the majority are in the center) to a well-curve model (where the minority is the middle). I’ve come to the conclusion that whomever is making this determination is off their rocker. What we have is a whole lot of… Continue reading Bye-Bye, Bell? Hello, Well?
Author: Ian
When Extreme Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Does
I’ve started paying attention to the “Emerging Church” movement, which is an attempt to redefine the Christian community of faith. There are a lot of issues within that particular movement, but don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. There are groups within groups within groups (and then some) within the Emerging Church movement. Some… Continue reading When Extreme Doesn’t Mean What You Think It Does
Oil going bye-bye?
Once thing that I didn’t mention in my post, Anthropogenic Climate Change Theory Versus Logic, is the over-the-top screaming that is going on in regards to climate change and alternative energy sources. This makes reasonable discussion almost impossible. In the attempt to (too) quickly get off of petroleum based fuels, ethanol has been getting a… Continue reading Oil going bye-bye?
Anthropogenic Climate Change Theory Versus Logic
Dr. S. Fred Singer (Professor Emeritus, Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia) recently outlined the logical flaws being espoused by those who speak of global warming (which is in error, as the recent snowfall in South Africa shows, and thus should be called, “global climate change”) as being caused by man (i.e., anthropogenic). Part of the… Continue reading Anthropogenic Climate Change Theory Versus Logic
Invading Corporate America
Brian E. Volck, in his post Are You Being Served? (no longer available), states: As John Sayles’ role in the movie Matewan suggests, big businesses have used clergy as cheerleaders before, but this news item from The Economist hints at something worse. The article: Praying for Gain: A fad for piety infiltrates the realm of… Continue reading Invading Corporate America
Come to the Lord empty.
There is a great piece written by John Koesler, Eat, Drink, and Be Hungryarchived copy, on ChristianityToday.com. Sometimes I wonder if the Beatitudes really say what we think they mean, regardless of that underlying current of though in my own mind, I think this is a wonderful way of looking at the Beatitudes, life in… Continue reading Come to the Lord empty.
Turn off the lights!
The last few nights, while waiting for the dog to finish his last bit of business before going to bed, I’ve been looking up into the sky, staring at the starts. They’re beautiful. I grew up in the SF Bay Area, and the only time I saw a true plethora of stars, I was camping.… Continue reading Turn off the lights!
This makes me sick
I wish that I couldn’t believe that someone wouldn’t stoop to this level. Fight Over Wrestler Chris Benoit’s Estate Hinges on Order of Deaths
Mothering from the middle
…this is not about politics, although I suppose it is. Betsy Hart has a reasonable view of being a mom, and her column today is well worth the read.archived copy
Wherefore art thou male?
In The Mistakes We Make with Priestly Vocations, Fr. Philip N. Powell discusses something new in the Roman Catholic church, women serving in the place of pastors, not as pastors, but “Parish Life Coordinators.” Fr. Powell makes some wonderful points that are well worth considering. The primary scripture used to bar women from leadership positions… Continue reading Wherefore art thou male?