The Munchkin Wrangler has posted Why the Gun is Civilization. I think I’m getting to the point (Thanks, Allen) to where politics, even the 2nd Amendment, aren’t nearly as important as they used to be. That is not to say that they are unimportant to me, but the longer I walk along the Way, God’s… Continue reading Armed and Polite
Author: Ian
Choose: Red, White, and Blue OR Red Versus Blue
I freely acknowledge that for a certain branch of the family, I am the red sheep (not the black sheep) of the family. I also suspect that my faith in Jesus Christ plays a greater roll in my life than the lives of others in my family (this is neither red nor blue). That being… Continue reading Choose: Red, White, and Blue OR Red Versus Blue
The Whole Money Thing
In Me and Ron Paul and The Dollar is Falling! The Dollar is Falling!, I discussed central banking and the currency base. However, in 800 Dollar Gold in Plain English ( archived copy ), Jerry Bowyer adds a little more to the discussion. His primary point is that the theories being pushed in support of… Continue reading The Whole Money Thing
Thank You, God!
God has provided blessings innumerable. Sin has brought curses to counter the blessings. Being thankful is being humble, which is probably why so few are thankful (that includes me). Thanksgiving Day in America – The Secret Riches of Thankfulness by Rev. Michael Bresciani ( archived copy )
The Dollar is Falling! The Dollar is Falling!
In Me and Ron Paul, I knocked some of the historical basis for the assault on the Federal Banking System. While I still believe that a central system does need to exist, Thomas Breton’s article, Chickens Are Returning to the Roost, may cause me to modify my perspective somewhat. While I still believe that basing… Continue reading The Dollar is Falling! The Dollar is Falling!
Will Racism Return?
An interesting article at the New York Times discusses the rising specter of racism and prejudice based on genetics. The writer points out some blog postings and comments that are disturbing. That being said, there is something to be said about self-imposed homogeneity, especially in business…failure. I don’t want to see organizations forced to accept… Continue reading Will Racism Return?
The Quiet (some say silenced) Side of Anthopogenic Climate Change
KLTV had an interesting segment on one of their news shows recently about anthropogenic global warming. I wish I could embed it in this post, but they make it rather difficult, so here is the link. Hat Tip to:
The New City Transit System
A professor at MIT has come out with a design for a individual/public-transit concept, with cars for rent on every corner. Frankly, sounds like one of the many sci-fi books I’ve read over the years, but as a victim of mass transit, I can certainly understand this concept as a better than nothing situation. The… Continue reading The New City Transit System
My Anger Problem
Do I get angry? Yes! Is that a good thing? In retrospect, probably not. Should we encourage people to be angry? NO! (that’s not anger, that’s emphasis) Apparently, some well-meaning (hmm, something about a road…) Christian psychologists are saying it’s okay to be angry. Well, I suppose that in some situations it might be okay.… Continue reading My Anger Problem
Atlas Shrugged…Thanks to Hercules
I was just going to ignore the whole Ayn Rand/Atlas Shrugged anniversary thing, but this article, by Maggie Gallagher, finally caused me to mouth off. The thing that has always bothered me about Ayn Rand’s stuff was that it was too individualistic. Even in the building of the dream house (I can’t remember the main… Continue reading Atlas Shrugged…Thanks to Hercules