Is There a Future for the Church of the Nazarene?

Let’s get the easy/hard stuff out of  the way. I LOVE my denomination. Okay, I love a lot of denominations, but I love mine. I do not love it over the Church, but that’s a discussion for another day. Back on the 19th of September, I quoted Ed Stetzer (on Google+ & Facebook) regarding his views on the… Continue reading Is There a Future for the Church of the Nazarene?

Loving Little

41“A certain moneylender had two debtors. One owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. 42When they could not pay, he cancelled the debt of both. Now which of them will love him more?” 43Simon answered, “The one, I suppose, for whom he cancelled the larger debt.” And he said to him, “You have judged… Continue reading Loving Little

Categorized as faith, love

The Key is the Response to Community, part 2

(Please read part 1 first) So, what light can this shine on our lives? Many things bind us together, some are voluntary, some are not. In the case of religion (or faith if the word “religion” bothers you), we do things together to (re)affirm our community. Circumcision was the earliest (and physically experienced) Jewish rite… Continue reading The Key is the Response to Community, part 2

The Key is the Response to Community

Leviticus 12 (ESV) seems to paint a pretty gender-biased view from our overly sensitive gender aware lives. In fact, it seems pretty anti-female. However, even the ESV Study Bible doesn’t say this, but actually aserts that since the text does not mention why, that it is too much inference. So, where does that leave us?… Continue reading The Key is the Response to Community

Breaching Faith With God, By Breaching Faith With Others

In Leviticus 5:17-19 (ESV) & Leviticus 6:2 (ESV), we see that God is ever present (i.e., omnipresent) in our lives. This includes, according to these two passages, when one fails to fulfill one’s obligations to others. This includes when one “finds” things that were “lost”. When one’s obligations to others are not fulfilled, according to… Continue reading Breaching Faith With God, By Breaching Faith With Others

What Do You See When You Look At…

With the celebration of the birthday of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr,  we see where Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. is used to bolster movements and causes that he did not specifically speak on. For example, in Raleigh-Durham, NC, a gay rights activist is torqued that a pastor who preaches a historical understanding of the… Continue reading What Do You See When You Look At…

Natural Disasters and Hell

No, I’m not talking about Pat Robertson’s latest “wisdom”. What I am talking about is human nature. Specifically, I am talking about the all too human nature of Christians, especially “Western” “Civilization” Christians. I do not decry anyone that seeks to give to help that nation. We did. In fact, I believe it is part… Continue reading Natural Disasters and Hell

Even Religious People Have Different Views?

Shocking! (sarcasm) Surveys: U.S. Religious Activists Have ‘Widely Divergent’ Views As much as I like some of the content on, today we have another article (see this post for another) which is too vague to be useful, other than to draw gross conclusions that can only be divisive, rather than edifying. I really hate… Continue reading Even Religious People Have Different Views?

Do Christians Believe in Redemption (i.e., a new creation) or Not?

I saw this headline, Ky. Church Ordains Registered Sex Offender, a few days ago, and was finally able to read it. And, I finally decided to actually post something on my blog, rather than twitter. I have to say this brief article causes me no small amount of anguish. I cannot imagine what both the… Continue reading Do Christians Believe in Redemption (i.e., a new creation) or Not?