Libertines on all sides.By Victor Davis Yep, sadly, that pretty much sums it up.
Category: ethics and morals
Misunderstanding Capitalism and Business
I read this this morning (read the entire article): There’s a stereotypical assumption among Christians in the nonprofit world that capitalism means greed or selfishness, and “therefore has got to be bad,” says Nash, founder and managing partner of Piper Cove Asset Management LLC. Using goals to measure progress—standard practice in the business world—is seen… Continue reading Misunderstanding Capitalism and Business
A Perfect Railroad Job
Thomas Sowell summarizes the political hijinx of the Scooter Libby affair.
The Democrat Party. Home of the Patriotic Terrorist.
Greg Gutfeld has coined a new term, “Patriotic Terrorist”. I’m not sure why he would post it on such a site as the Huffington Post, especially with the hate-filled comments that follow it.
Another Alternative To Abortion
The pro-abortion crowd often brings up abortion as the only alternative to unplanned pregnancies. Not to be too blunt, but as my grandma once said, “that is no accident.” Chuck Colson, in one of his daily Breakpoint Commentaries, talked about a woman who decided against aborting the child of an unplanned pregnancy. Through sharing her… Continue reading Another Alternative To Abortion
Jesus was [insert skin color, race, ethnicity…here]
I was reading an article entitled Exit Interviews at Christianity Today’s website, and I have to admit I was depressed. I know we all behave in an unchristian due to often unknown or unrecognized attitudes. I don’t feel that it is fair that so much pressure is put onto the “first” person of a particular… Continue reading Jesus was [insert skin color, race, ethnicity…here]
Almost Agreeing with Gaddafi
“Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi criticized the world financial system as a dictatorship based on fear…” Disconcerting as it is, I am almost in agreement with Gaddafi. The stock and futures markets are based on rumors and fear. As much as everyone wanted to blame the oil companies for the high price of gas, it was… Continue reading Almost Agreeing with Gaddafi
New Terminology: Technological Enervation
I’ve decided that I needed to come up with a new phrase to describe the issues I see with technology and its effect upon people, and by default, society. I’m not sure how to even define it, yet. I’ve gone back and tagged/categorized older articles, in addition to newer articles as they come up. In… Continue reading New Terminology: Technological Enervation
An end to the stem cell debate?
This caught my eye. People such as myself have been framed as opponents of stem cell research, which is false. My opposition has been to embryonic stem cell research that KILLS (i.e., destroys embryos). However, with some recent clarification, it apparently is possible to do embryonic stem cell research without killing the embryo. I would… Continue reading An end to the stem cell debate?
Technology, Humanity, Control (Maybe the Luddites are right)
A survey sponsored by MTV provides some very interesting tidbits regarding the endangered psyche of a technology-savy generation. Even though I found the comment on religion interesting, it just seemed to be tossed in there, and didn’t add to the main thrust of the story. On top of that, an article in Christianity Today discusses… Continue reading Technology, Humanity, Control (Maybe the Luddites are right)