Raising Awareness, One Million People At A Time

MillionSoulsAware.org is a project that seeks to raise awareness one global issue at a time. Their mission statement says: millionsoulsaware.org is a not for profit project started in march 2007 that has the mission to raise awareness by featuring an article on an important topic that needs attention. Millionsoulsaware.org doesn’t ask for donations, but asks… Continue reading Raising Awareness, One Million People At A Time

National Security Court a middle-road solution

The United States should establish a National Security Court designed to handle terrorism cases fairly but also in a way that does not jeopardize public safety… (article no longer available) I have never felt that those who are believed to be terrorists, should have the luxury of the U.S. Court system, for they are an… Continue reading National Security Court a middle-road solution

2006 Election “Fallout”

I’m not sure how I feel about this, in truth. First and foremost, the Republican party lost power in Washington, D.C.. I’m not sure that is a bad thing. I still strongly support the war in Iraq, so on that front, I’m am very worried and disappointed. However, those that think that things will change… Continue reading 2006 Election “Fallout”

“Just War Theory” vs. American Self-Defense

An interesting take on Just War, while I generally think the ARI is pigheaded and wrong, and when I do agree with them, it is because the ARI and I got to the same point going different directions. Read the article by Yaron Brook and Alex Epstein in full at The Ayn Rand Institute: Observe… Continue reading “Just War Theory” vs. American Self-Defense

2nd Amendment in Iraq

It seems, when reading between the lines, that majority of the Iraqi people are being bullied by the various militias that are running around there. Well, let’s fix that. Not with another assault on some training camp, or stronghold, but with the Iraqi people. I think another error of the Bush Administration is looking at… Continue reading 2nd Amendment in Iraq

Guess What Osama?

This is one of those many emails I have received regarding 9/11. I don’t know who put this together, but they deserve a lot of credit Osama Bin Laden, your time is short; We’d rather you die, than come to court. Why are you hiding if it was in God’s name? You’re just a punk… Continue reading Guess What Osama?