…this is not about politics, although I suppose it is. Betsy Hart has a reasonable view of being a mom, and her column today is well worth the read.archived copy
Category: love
In A Reporter’s Loss of Faith, I linked to an article by William Lobdell, who had experienced a loss of faith based on his reporting of the failures of the church (as a whole). In Sorrow But No Regrets, Christine Scheller writes of her bad (foul is more like it) experiences with the church. There… Continue reading Untitled
Why do I need to know who my mom is, anyways?
In Motherless in Maryland, James M. Thunder writes about a disturbing story where a child’s mother (plus, there are two potential mothers) will not be listed on her birth certificate, in fact, there will be no mother listed at all.
A Reporter’s Loss of Faith
William Lobdell has written an article, Religion beat became a test of faith, and it boils down to him seeing the worst of those who claim the faith, thereby destroying his. Sadly, I understand his perspective and the journey that he has taken. He has seen some of the worst of the Roman Catholic church… Continue reading A Reporter’s Loss of Faith
God’s Love In Human Arms
Daily Meditation (Henri Nouwen): A Father’s As Well As a Mother’s Love The father in the story of the prodigal son is mother as well. His running out to welcome his son, his embrace and kisses; his offering of the best robe, the ring, and the sandals; and his throwing a party are not the… Continue reading God’s Love In Human Arms
Come see my website…wait…I mean my video…
In her article,
An Old Soldier’s Advice
It is distressing for me to realize that Christ died for the terrorists, too. As violent and anti-Christian as they are, Jesus died for even them. So how do we balance that awareness with the job of killing them? I don’t have a well-developed answer for that one. I never got to the point that… Continue reading An Old Soldier’s Advice
Who are you? What do you want?
These two very basic questions are the pivot points around which the first 4 seasons of Babylon 5 (Wikipedia entry) revolve. As we learn in Season 4, it is the fact that these questions are not asked together is what is causing the war that is going on at that point in the series. Mark… Continue reading Who are you? What do you want?
Talking to Jesus
We had some friends over for the 4th of July, and let me tell you, it’s great having friends. Right? Well one of the hard parts for me, is that I need personal interaction with a person to have them be a friend. It can’t be email. It can’t be a blog. It can’t be… Continue reading Talking to Jesus
Silence Versus Distraction
In here, Mr. Garibaldi, you cannot hide from yourself. Everything out there has only one purpose, to distract us from ourselves, from what is truly important. There are no distractions in here. You can learn much from silence. Citizen G’kar“Messages From Earth” Babylon 5, Season 3 Have you ever heard, “We’re too busy”? Have you… Continue reading Silence Versus Distraction