I believe it is time to go beyond the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation. What is at stake at the start of the third millennium is no longer the same as at the beginning of the second millennium, when at the heart of Western Christianity the separation took place between Catholics and Protestants. To give but… Continue reading The Shrinking Great Divide
Category: history
Did You Know? (Version 3.0)
hattip: Douglas Karr
A Quip On A Manufactured Collapse
Michael Novak’s theory regarding Western democratic capitalism can be summerized as a three-legged stool with the legs being, political freedom, economic freedom, and moral restraint. We are witnessing the after effects of the complete removal of moral restraint. Political and economic freedoms have been curtailed for the last 20 years or so, but they are… Continue reading A Quip On A Manufactured Collapse
Ignoring or Avoiding The Discussion of Heresy, Doesn’t Make It Go Away.
I hadn’t meant to bring it up in a Facebook discussion, What is emerging?, but I did—heresy. I greatly fear for a people who won’t stand for what they say they believe (especially foundational things), as I equally fear for a people who automatically attack people with whom they disagree. The funny thing is that… Continue reading Ignoring or Avoiding The Discussion of Heresy, Doesn’t Make It Go Away.
My, How They Love One Another
Are we Kicking Grandma to the Curb? For a number of reasons, I have a real problem with what this post (and the quoted article/news story) say. Not because it isn’t true, but because it is. I don’t think that nursing homes are an ideal situation, that’s for sure, but am I capable of taking… Continue reading My, How They Love One Another
What Is Speaking The Truth In Love?
Keith Giles, over at subversive1, seems to have had an interesting experience regarding a person shutting down the conversation (or the comments) that challenged this individual’s theology/teaching. Keith states that he rarely, if ever, does this kind of public revealing (and I believe him. I just wanted to put that out there), however, he felt… Continue reading What Is Speaking The Truth In Love?
The Form of the Future
When I’m operating under restrictions, I definitely feel constrained by them, but without those restraints, it doesn’t seem as if I my actions are actually accomplishing anything. …the Net truly is vast and infinite. Who knows, maybe a new society we’ve never even dreamed of is already being born I greatly enjoy Japanese anime. There… Continue reading The Form of the Future
Rediscovering Sabbath Rest
In Rediscovering Sabbath Rest, Mark Early brings further attention to the “Secular Sabbath” that seems to be gaining steam in the secular world. As I mentioned in What? Me, Unplug?, I know I should try this myself. I’m always plugged in, even on Sunday. I remember years ago hearing about how even non-devout Christian families… Continue reading Rediscovering Sabbath Rest
ekklesiaproject.org – Telephones and What is Good for Us
In Telephones and What is Good for Us, Randy Cooper writes about the Amish. My big takeaway was this: It took all summer for them to decide whether they would have phones. They finally decided against it. And they had two reasons. First, they knew that if they began to use telephones, they would carry… Continue reading ekklesiaproject.org – Telephones and What is Good for Us
A Take on Generosity
A politician, like you and me, can be generous only with his own money. A politician spending other people’s money is, at best, implementing sound policies – and, more realistically, much closer to a burglar who “generously” uses part of his booty to buy rounds of drinks for his buddies. Cafe Hayek: Who’s Generous? Don… Continue reading A Take on Generosity