Culture. What purpose have you?

I believe Thomas Sowell is one of those people that brings great insight in regards to the human condition. In his commentary, Cultural Heritages, he talks about what is a fundamental flaw of certain people’s perception of culture. His particular example, the Navajo, is only one of may that can used, if one looks around.… Continue reading Culture. What purpose have you?

So you want to fly?

My wife sent me this article which discusses eagles in the Bible, and in life. It also alludes to how the eagle represents the ideal of our life in Christ. Eagles hat tip to:My Wife, of course!

Light as a metaphor for God.

Here’s a link to an interesting commentary by Regis Nicoll, comparing the nature of light to the nature of God, or at least, an aspect of God. Light and the Nature of God

The Church Everlasting

[Pope Benedict XIV believes] the church is not a product of human creativity. She does not become whatever the leaders and members wish to make of her. The church is prior to all human initiative. Ours is not to innovate, but to preserve and apply the church teachings. -Avery Cardinal Dulles I’m glad that Pope… Continue reading The Church Everlasting

Absurdium Ad Naseaum

Episcopal priest says she’s also a Muslim SEATTLE (AP) – The Reverend Ann Holmes Redding, an Episcopal priest for 20 year, says she became a Muslim last year, but still considers herself a Christian as well. Redding, who says she accepted Islam after being profoundly moved by Muslim prayers, is to begin teaching the New… Continue reading Absurdium Ad Naseaum

Here I Stand, Hat In Hand…Convicted

I have written a lot about the Episcopal Church of the USA and, by proxy, other denominations that have lost their way, from my perspective. I have written about the various issues that have caused (again, from my perspective) their demise as a power of faith in the world and the United States. I realize,… Continue reading Here I Stand, Hat In Hand…Convicted

New Worship Styles Un-Becomining?

Mark Galli, in his article Seeker Unfriendly on Christianity Today, writes on the accessibility of worship to the seeker or newcomer. Part of what I like about this article is that it is referring more to modern or contemporary worship styles as being inaccessible, which is exactly the issue the modern/contemporary style was to address,… Continue reading New Worship Styles Un-Becomining?