Court Acknowledges What Some Of Us New All Along

Court strikes down D.C. ban on guns Appeals Court Says Gun Ban Violates 2nd Amendment The first interesting part of the decision: We are told by the District that the Second Amendment was written in response to fears that the new federal government would disarm the state militias by preventing men from bearing arms while… Continue reading Court Acknowledges What Some Of Us New All Along

Spiritual Needs Unfulfilled

A sad report regarding the U.S. Army (and presumably the other services as well) having issues fulfilling the Clerical needs of those who serve.  However, a lot of the denominations, both traditional and liberal, are having issue filling their needs.  Part of it is money, as being a pastor (or equivalent) is not as well… Continue reading Spiritual Needs Unfulfilled

Misunderstanding Capitalism and Business

I read this this morning (read the entire article): There’s a stereotypical assumption among Christians in the nonprofit world that capitalism means greed or selfishness, and “therefore has got to be bad,” says Nash, founder and managing partner of Piper Cove Asset Management LLC. Using goals to measure progress—standard practice in the business world—is seen… Continue reading Misunderstanding Capitalism and Business

Gotta Love the VA

Mary Katharine Ham’s column today, Veterans on VA: ‘Get the politics outta the system’ Vets vent at national VFW convention, speaks of veterans’ views of the VA, and by proxy, the situation at Walter Reed. The veterans’ views are very similar to those I posited in my post, Welcome to Nationalized Health Care. Sadly, I… Continue reading Gotta Love the VA

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…Love Your Neighbor as Yourself…

Catherine Claire, in her blog post “Short on Time–Short on Compassion“, talks about a convicting sociological experiment involving seminarians (this is self-convicting as well, I freely, but sadly, admit). She says in the concluding paragraph of her post: …there are other factors in play in altruism, but I thought this one was particularly relevant in… Continue reading …Love Your Neighbor as Yourself…

Are You Saved, or Not?

I had an interesting conversation with someone this weekend. The first thing asked, as noting differences between traditional Baptist and Nazarene teachings, was the view of salvation. Serendipitously, David Gushee, a Baptist minister, wrote in Christianity Today (see the article Jesus and the Sinner’s Prayer) about revisting the view of salvation. While I find his… Continue reading Are You Saved, or Not?