As for the fourth beast, there shall be a fourth kingdom on earth that shall be different from all the other kingdoms; it shall devour the whole earth, and trample it down, and break it into pieces. Daniel 7:23 I was reading Daniel 7:19-27, and it struck me that the United States of America may… Continue reading Who is the Fourth Beast?
Author: Ian
Raising Awareness, One Million People At A Time is a project that seeks to raise awareness one global issue at a time. Their mission statement says: is a not for profit project started in march 2007 that has the mission to raise awareness by featuring an article on an important topic that needs attention. doesn’t ask for donations, but asks… Continue reading Raising Awareness, One Million People At A Time
Thanks, But We Already Knew That…
Stephan Hawking spoke at Zellerbach Hall yesterday (original link from Slashdot), and announced his new theory: the universe came from nothing (there is a video—RealPlayer or equivalent needed). Dr. Hawking, with all due respect, that theory has been around for quite some time now. My biblical calendar is pretty useless, but I think its about… Continue reading Thanks, But We Already Knew That…
Pete Stark – Atheist
I’m sorry, but Pete Stark’s (D-CA) admission that he is an atheist doesn’t concern me as much as it seems to concern others. However, other bits in this announcement I find much more interesting. The SCA said in a press release that Americans without a “God-belief” are more distrusted than any other minority group in… Continue reading Pete Stark – Atheist
The Risks of Being A Pastor
I’m not sure how I feel about this article. A lot of the issue brought up, don’t seem particularly surprising. The biggest issue is burnout, I think. What pastors need to know, and learn if they don’t, there must be boundaries between their ministry, and their life.
What was old, is new, or at least possibly okay…now
I was a member of a Lutheran church for a time, and learned a lot about schismatic views. Lutherans didn’t do a lot of things, not because they were unscriptural, but because the Roman Catholics did it. A lot of the “non-liturgical” churches seem to have much of the same perspective as they do not… Continue reading What was old, is new, or at least possibly okay…now
Who is Jesus? All hail, Zeus!
I wish this was a joke, but apparently some folks are off to revive the Pantheon of Gods of Rome and Greece. Lucky us. Of course, just like the “witchcraft” and “druid” pagans, they are inventing their faith. Funny, they criticize we Christians for our faith, but here they are.
The rental cello… an Israeli story
As Treppenwitz says, this is a story to be shared.
The Dark Side of Capitalism
Yesterday, Pope Benedict convicted those in charge of the media, saying: I appeal again to the leaders of the media industry to advise producers to safeguard the common good, to uphold the truth, to protect individual human dignity and promote respect for the needs of the family. What I find interesting is to whom he… Continue reading The Dark Side of Capitalism
Bipartisan Hypocrisy
Libertines on all sides.By Victor Davis Yep, sadly, that pretty much sums it up.