In Podcast 83, Carey Nieuwhoff interviewed Ravi Zacharias, who drew a parallel between pornography and suicide. Zacharias spoke of his recent experience counseling college students during the Passion Conference (starting at 22:55 and paraphrased), where the majority came two talk about two topics: pornography and suicide. He called pornography the “denuding of the other person”… Continue reading Devalued
Tag: suicide
Suicidal Christian—An Oxymoron?
If you read In The Darkness, A Light Shines, you might guess that the topic of suicide is a serious concern of mine. C. Michael Patton, on his blog Parchment & Pen, provides a response to a letter that discusses Those who commit suicide cannot be Christian . . . I think (but have no… Continue reading Suicidal Christian—An Oxymoron?