On MSN Money, TheStreet had an article, “Major healthcare provider files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.” It’s an interesting tale. A health care system that is the safety net for underprivileged communities is declaring bankruptcy. Why? Because it wasn’t compensated sufficiently for all the COVID-19 costs. Another system whose focus is prisons and mental health facilities… Continue reading When Health Care Isn’t
Category: Uncategorized
By this point, almost any aware person will tie MAGA to Donald Trump. MAGA is the acronym for Make America Great Again. The problem with that slogan is who defines what makes America (in particular, the United States of America) great. At this point, is it anything? Two recent articles, The Hill‘s Do Americans hate… Continue reading A New MAGA
What Have We Lost?
Job lived 140 years after this, and saw his children and grandchildren to the fourth generation. Then Job died at an old age, having lived a full life. Job 42:16-17 (ISV) The global population continues to grow. The rate is slowing, and that’s probably a good thing. The earth is a finite resource and also our… Continue reading What Have We Lost?
Vain Hypocrisy
Part of me wanted to make this post at Devotion.al, but I realized this might be less devotional than Devotion.al deserves (a problem when you write at both, and the lines are often gray). Christians have long been trained to abhor the word hypocrite. Jesus has a thing or 10 about hypocrites. The problem is… Continue reading Vain Hypocrisy
Can I quit? I want to.
I’ve been a co-lead pastor for a church for less than a year. I’m tired. The first time I wanted to quit, my senior pastor said… If you can do anything else in your life, and believe that is indeed what God wants you to do, then do it. Ed Eby I might have gotten… Continue reading Can I quit? I want to.
The Unspoken Servant
In the Parable of the Talents, there are 3 servants listed: the really successful one, the not as successful one, and the fearful failure. Jesus taught in parables, leaving room to interpret. I’m taking some liberties, I know, though I expect I’m not the first one to think of it. The consensus is that Jesus… Continue reading The Unspoken Servant
Separate and Not
Does the church need buildings? Is the church a building? Does God? Who does?
Rich and Poor
When scripture and Christians discuss rich and poor, what really is being discussed?
Christians and Authority
At the beginning of Christianity, it was an outsider religion, but still functioned within the confines of a restrictive climate. In Romans 13, Paul discusses how Christians are to treat authority. Moving to today, are we really listening to Paul’s words?
The Boring Life-Saving Stuff
In Jesus and Context, John Frye uses the collective experience of pre-flight safety instruction, and applies it to the eternal saving instructions. Have you ever been bored silly listening once again to the flight attendant rattling off the routine… …should the cabin pressure actually drop at 30,000 feet and those little yellow masks make their… Continue reading The Boring Life-Saving Stuff