Look At All the Depressed People

If you look around at the stories that are there, you will see an increase in depression, an increase in suicide. As technology integrates further into our lives, I wonder how much more will happen. As much as the mainstream media and those of the ideoloigical left and extreme right like to malign religion, I… Continue reading Look At All the Depressed People

New Terminology: Technological Enervation

I’ve decided that I needed to come up with a new phrase to describe the issues I see with technology and its effect upon people, and by default, society. I’m not sure how to even define it, yet. I’ve gone back and tagged/categorized older articles, in addition to newer articles as they come up. In… Continue reading New Terminology: Technological Enervation

An end to the stem cell debate?

This caught my eye. People such as myself have been framed as opponents of stem cell research, which is false. My opposition has been to embryonic stem cell research that KILLS (i.e., destroys embryos). However, with some recent clarification, it apparently is possible to do embryonic stem cell research without killing the embryo. I would… Continue reading An end to the stem cell debate?

Technology, Humanity, Control (Maybe the Luddites are right)

A survey sponsored by MTV provides some very interesting tidbits regarding the endangered psyche of a technology-savy generation. Even though I found the comment on religion interesting, it just seemed to be tossed in there, and didn’t add to the main thrust of the story. On top of that, an article in Christianity Today discusses… Continue reading Technology, Humanity, Control (Maybe the Luddites are right)

Oil and Water Mix Better Than Politics and Science

When I first heard of the Michael J. Fox political commercial, I immediately wrote an entry about it, however, I then learned about all the controversy about Rush Limbaugh et al (amazingly I hadn’t heard about that), and decided to mark my post “private” so that I would not add flames to a horribly partisan… Continue reading Oil and Water Mix Better Than Politics and Science

Left/Right Fertility Gap

There has been mention of a study that found that those that identify themselves politically to the left are not having children at the replacement rate, versus those that identify themselves politically to the right are exceeding the replacement rate.  Here is a woman’s observations of Harvard, which helps to further illustrate this. Feeling Sexy… Continue reading Left/Right Fertility Gap

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“Just War Theory” vs. American Self-Defense

An interesting take on Just War, while I generally think the ARI is pigheaded and wrong, and when I do agree with them, it is because the ARI and I got to the same point going different directions. Read the article by Yaron Brook and Alex Epstein in full at The Ayn Rand Institute: Observe… Continue reading “Just War Theory” vs. American Self-Defense